Monday, December 3, 2007

The Far Side ® Scared Silly: 2008 Desk Calendar (Far Side)

The Far Side ® Scared Silly: 2008 Desk Calendar (Far Side)
Chicken cults? That's a little scary. Elvis checking in to the Bates Motel? A trifle disquieting. Murderous entomologists? A tad macabre. A hyperaggressive, self-aggrandizing middle manager glaring over your shoulder while you're trying to work and screaming that he wants that report on his desk by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? Now, that's scary.
Take heart, desk jockeys. Gary Larson is here to lighten your mood (and in all likelihood tick off your boss by undermining office productivity). The Far Side Desk Calendar is back once again to spread its brand of demented sunshine to workstations the world over. Under the title Scared Silly, this calendar lays the year at your fingertips one ghastly, giggle-inducing week at a time.

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